Of almost 18 m. high and 9 wide, it is made of walnut wood. Work, for the most part, by Francisco Moure, and dedicated to the Stma. Virgin mary Commissioned by the Jesuits, whose rector, Juan A. Velázquez, gave him the sketch of the work to be carried out.
It consists of two sockets or bases and three superimposed bodies. Of these, the first two are from Moure. The rest is from his son Francisco and disciples. At the top three shields: the two sides of the founding Cardinal; the one in the center, larger, and now smooth, must have had the coat of arms of the Jesuits.
Seen from top to bottom and from left to right they appear sculpted:
The Birth of the Virgin.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Annunciation of Mary.
Visitation of the Virgin to her cousin Sta Isabel.
The Virgen de la Antigua, head of the church and school, interpretation in relief of the painting in the niche on the left, with a very baroque mantle.
Adoration of the shepherds.
Circumcision of the Lord.
Monstrance or temple, very baroque, topped by a sculptural group of great perfection and realism, which represents the sacrifice of Isaac.
Adoration of the Kings. The anachronistic and baroque clothes stand out.
On the plinths of the columns are carved the four gospels.
In the intercolumniations the four cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance), two on each side. These virtues are separated, by a shield of the Cardinal, so well molded and polished in black walnut that it looks like leather.